by Guest on 2014/04/13 08:26:48 PM
I downloaded Tixati today, because I was fed up with Utorrent.
My first three torrents were great, but now it does something really weird:
The download starts fine, and reaches really high speeds, but then the B/s IN just drops to 0, even if I'm not doing anything else. It just stops spontaneously... (Searching DHT.../Downloading).
But then it also starts again spontaneously, downloads for a few seconds, and then stops again for a few minutes, then stops, then starts etc.
Any idea what the problem can be?
Thanks very much in advance!
by Guest on 2020/02/15 09:05:01 AM
I experience the same issue. My Tixati stop suddenly (like its a crash /freezing), then after few seconds it become normal again but the download rate start from zero again, and then it freeze again for a couple of seconds ... it continue acting like that ... what happen? how to fix this?