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hide statusbar and tabs

by Guest on 2020/03/21 03:12:14 AM    
We need option to hide statusbar and to select tabs to show, if have just one selected tab then hide tabs bar completely.

by Guest on 2020/03/22 12:30:30 PM    

And add a option to show in the same line side by side, the control bar , the bar with play, pause buttons, together the main bar, bar with bandwidth, rss, this options can increase the screen space, important to small screen devices. The resquest made above about option to remove tabs and statusbar, I think it very good, and as said above, if have just one, remove the full line from UI, and all tabs can still available on torrent properties.
by Guest on 2020/03/27 02:46:07 PM    
I would also like to see this feature in new versions
by Guest on 2023/09/05 06:42:25 PM    
And add a option to show in the same line side by side, the control bar , the bar with play, pause buttons, together the main bar, bar with bandwidth, rss, this options can increase the screen space, important to small screen devices.

A true compact all in one toolbar can be incredible! A customizable toolbar also can be great, some buttons like DHT, Home, Help and Settings take so much space and is rarely used, need options to unify the toolbars, to choose the buttons and to put this less used buttons in a unique button that open a context menu with the hidden buttons, and option to put the toolbar on the titlebar line, as Firefox and Sumatra PDF tabsbar.

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