by Guest on 2020/03/19 08:38:48 AM
For users like me, who use kde as their daily de, Tixati always looked ugly due to the fact it uses gtk as gui library instead of qt: will qt ever be supported?
by Guest on 2020/05/18 04:25:13 PM
Yes, using qt Tixati will be rendered, via the current qt render engine, with the theme and color scheme you selected. In your case Breeze is both the engine and the theme, so Tixati would be rendered as the rest of the applications.
PS: note that exists a GTK Breeze theme that you can use right know to uniform GTK applications, like Tixati, to the rest of the system, but, due to the limitation of GTK (at least GTK 2, I don’t know if it is the same with GTK 3), the windows will be rendered always with the default breeze color scheme, so, if you have changed that, Tixati won’t still look uniform with the rest of the system.