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Tixati download speed is capped at 25K

by Guest on 2014/04/13 03:04:36 AM    
When downloading something, the speed just stays at 25k. It doesn't move to 24K or 26K, it's always stable with very little deviation from the 25K. I don't see any errors in the home tab. The only thing that might be considered a problem is the DHT status which is most of the time on: "Started - unconfirmed incoming port". I don't think DHT is the problem here though, but it's really strange that no matter the torrent, it's just stuck at 25k when I am using Tixati. 25K is extremely slow for bigger torrents, so hopefully someone has a suggestion to help solve this problem.
by Sailor24 on 2014/04/15 01:37:18 AM    
Click the bandwidth button and make sure you don't have your incoming data limited to 25k. If not then see if you auto limit is checked? If auto limit is checked uncheck it. If the speed changes then you will need to make some changes there so post back.

It is important to get the DHT working your port to the outside net is likely not open. go to portforward dot com and follow the instructions.
by Guest on 2016/10/05 12:48:19 AM    
Be sure you're not limiting your speed really low.
There were/are logic in place to limit you via U:D ratio.

Limit your upload to consistent throughput *.7 (70% of consistent)... for manageable QoS. If you want to test things, open it up when only seeding to see what you can accomplish (many times both downloading and seeding from the same physical drive cause slowdown due to hard drive bus speed/seek)
This is what I do on my scheduler. Seed overnight after downloads done. Full throttle :D (it's about 8x what I can send while downloading)
Limiting peer connections while seeding also makes sure you send a full piece timely (everyone hates it when pieces get re-downloaded cuz the peer took too long/failed hash). Think of it this way, how long would you stay on 1 piece... 1 minute, 2 minutes 5??? Piecesize/#ofseconds = min B/s for piece completion. When seeding I try to keep everyone at 15 KiBps minimum, up to 80 if it's a rare transfer, and only 1 peer download at a time.
This also helps when seeding those small important transfers. More data faster means more likely to pass it on.

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