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Auto Delete dead torrents

by Guest on 2020/03/14 06:31:40 PM    
Can be added a optional global setting to auto delete dead torrents, for instance the user can set to maximum 20-30 days of enabled state time (stopped time don't count), if the torrent is ever "hash-link:" or get for example 40% but never complete, this torrent is automatically deleted with the files, without warnings.
by Guest on 2020/05/01 03:06:46 AM    
On version 1.73 was added auto-stop seeding after time limit, I liked the idea, would also add the auto-delete dead torrents, because is very related with this new feature.

Thanks Devs, and community keep donating to this fine team!
by Guest on 2020/06/08 09:08:30 PM    
I always wanted this
by Guest on 2020/06/12 02:29:24 AM    
Hey, it should be added not as independent feature but as settings in Auto Manage slots.

Good luck for all.

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