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We need CLI toolz 4 change path of files!

by hikikomori on 2020/03/01 01:07:22 PM    
I again changed the storage path for part of my movie collection. And I again forced to manually change all paths?

Here is the old and new paths:


and more too...

I have to manually search and highlight many torrents with the program’s features. But I have them over 1000!
For this I really need a command line utility!!!

tixatiutil * --replacepath /mnt/OLDDISK/Movie/japan/ /mnt/NEWDISK/Movie/japan/
tixatiutil * --replacepath *OLDDISK* *NEWDISK*
tixatiutil * --replacepasskey OLDPASSWORD NEWPASSWORD

By the way, integration with Linux utilities find, grep would be very convenient!

Solve all problems with file migration by one line per second !!!!!!!!!

[ ] Developers, yell! We need full access to the our database. At least please write simple library for python3 for working with the tixati base. I am python junior and I will write everything that I need myself.
by hikikomori on 2020/03/01 01:39:34 PM    
[ ]also need feature "filter by the path", no case sencetive" in "Filter line" unit!
This is the only way to display a selection based on disk location criteria. Very need!

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