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How do i watch my torrent after it is finished downloading?

by Guest on 2014/04/11 11:07:43 AM    
How do i watch my torrent after it is finished downloading?
by hedron on 2014/04/12 06:39:11 AM    
What type of file is it?

Simply go to the download location and open it with your media player.
by DrTeeth on 2014/04/12 01:17:58 PM    
Are you serious?
by Nili on 2014/04/12 02:41:34 PM    
Double click to your downloaded file can make play or go to his destination and play.
by Guest on 2014/04/12 05:37:15 PM    
Not all people know how torrents work.
Why don't you try and help next time!?
by DrTeeth on 2014/04/13 11:59:07 PM    
Files downloaded via torrents are no different from any other file that you download any other way. The question was so basic and silly I honestly thought you were joking.

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