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multiple changing in torrents (like a path)

by hikikomori on 2020/01/17 08:52:33 PM    

Tixati does not support command line control?
I need to change the storage folder in somes torrents from /path/to/old to /path/to/new. How to do it?

Who is tixati database storage format? Is not sqlite.  I need to read and edit them. I am ready to write a program in python3 if I know how to work with it!

I have many coincidences to replace data from - to, how not to do it manually?

The file location path is indicated only in the tooltip, if you hover over the line with the mouse. Look differently in the torrent properties. Why can’t select the path display in the Layout -> Select columns?

Copy in Russian:

tixati не поддерживает управление через коммандную строку?
Мне необходимо изменить во всех торрентах папку хранения с /path/to/old на /path/to/new.  Как это сделать?
В каком формате хранится база данных tixati, можно ли её как-либо прочитать и отредактировать? Я готов написать программу на  python3, если буду знать, как с ним работать!
У меня много таких совпадений, как не делать это вручную?
Путь размещения файлов указывается только во всплывающей подсказке,е сли навести на строку мышь. Иначе смотреть в свойствах. Почему нельзя выбрать в колонках отображение пути?
by notaLamer on 2020/01/27 11:38:44 PM    
You can select many torrents at once (CTRL+Click or Shift+Click) and change their settings in one go: set category (that has a set downloading/seeding location) or change the directories without assigning categories. Works perfectly fine! I moved terabytes of torrents this way. Also if you want to save loaded torrents, you do the same and select "Save .torrent"

You can probably change some settings programmatically through the Web Interface but I didn't look into it.

+1 to know in what format Tixati saves its settings.
by hikikomori on 2020/02/16 10:43:04 PM    
Thanks for your reply!

Very good, but I need to change the paths of files. Move from path1 to path2.
To see the path of torrent, you need to place the mouse cursor over it and wait for the tooltip. This is very inconvenient when you need to highlight a LOT of torrents.

Why does tixsati not support the command line? Why i can't  export the database in any OPEN format, and write the procedures I need in python3, since the developers didn’t do it themselves?

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