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Features Suggestions

by Guest on 2019/09/19 05:45:58 PM    
Please think about add this:

1 - An "filter" or "find" feature to files lists,

2 - an setting to hide tabs, for instance to hide "comments, logs, etc". I recomended Tixati to an old person, and multiple tabs is hard to this person, keeping less tabs can help this type of user

3- make detail tab scrollable, today, if you click "detail tab" this tab expand, ideal is scrollable

4- the feature "Auto Select Files" is good, but need an "size exception list", today, this feature uncheck all small files, this is not ideal, for instance with an "size exception list", I can add an exception to ".srt" and even if this file is small, tixati can auto select this. And need an "Allowed Extensions List", for instance I can allow just "avi, mp4, srt, mkv" etc, just audio and video formats, so "exe, bat" etc can never be auto selected. This can be useful and an big help to old person too, which use tixati just to dl Movies. This make it more easy and secure to this persons. This is like an "Smart Auto Select". :)

5- In "Double Click Actions" in "Transfers" can be added an option to "Play the biggest file or folder" if have just one big file, if have multiple big files, open folder.

6 - add an "Transfers Title Cleaner", an blacklist, for instance I can block (random words), so any torrent with this preffix (random words), is auto cleaned. So

(random words) some movie


some movie

thanks so much!
by Guest on 2019/10/29 05:01:45 AM    
First thanks so much to the new "advanced auto selection", was an big step forward, I just want suggest add an setting to keep original folders organization, today, tixati put the bigggest file in main download folder and subtitles in other folder, the setting to avoid this behavior is good because many media players automatically open subtitles in same folder but no in other folder. And if possible think about the others features I suggested in the first post, mainly "Double Click Actions" and "Transfers Title Cleaner".

In Brasil, the torrents titles is very dirt, have a lot of "ads" like "Visite site X" "{THE SUPER SITE X}", one torrent many times have two ads, and things like {1080} or {x264}, so many times is very hard to find the movie title the torrent name is an caos and have 1 kilometer, the "Transfers Title Cleaner" can fix it

Thank you!

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