by Guest on 2019/08/13 06:22:11 PM
version 2.62 on windows build 18362
This is a private tracker. but not all torrent just have problem. Some torrent has problem when more peer.
This error constant on that problem torrent.
How can i fix this?
Thank for any reply
[00:14:33] tracker announcing > xxxx
[00:14:35] tracker stopped > xxxx
[00:14:35] tracker error: server reply overflow > xxxx
by Guest on 2019/08/18 10:43:20 PM
i'd guess that the tracker is sending too much information, or maybe too fast.
try going the settings->event logging and turn on 'log detailed tracker messages'
now run a torrent that has that tracker and see if you get any more information in the event log tab.