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Error "File too large"  Command: Local Files/Location/Move...

by Guest on 2019/06/26 09:36:36 AM    
Dear Developers,

Can someone please officially address this error. Users have no idea what is triggering the problem.

I have sung such praise for this software on my personal facebook page. I was also going to donate. (Something this tight A never does)

If you have hundreds of completed torrents, and you right click;

Local Files/Location/Move...

The software can sometimes flag the error. "File to large".  There is no way the file can be to large. It was an ePUB, 350KB.  I double checked the file with an ePub error in the file. (All my internal and external drive are NTFS)

Sure you can nuke the file. But what if you want the file?  Your only option is the re-download the torrent?  Doh!

I might have sung my praise for Tixati a little to soon.  This is a major bug that is giving me a major headache. Others with the same issue, haven't solved the problem.

This is a real head-scratcher. :)

Error "File too large". Command:- Local Files/Location/Move...

Windows 7 Home (64)
(Tixati(64) V2.6.1)

Can you please help.

Thank you.
Faithful Tixati Follower.
Steve H.
by Guest on 2019/06/26 02:25:01 PM    
Is there a file either within the original folder, or the folder you are trying to move to, that has the same name or file hash of the file you are trying to move?

are you trying to move the file to a different harddrive?

where exactly is this error displaying?

have you tried moving the file to a different location? what happens?
by Guest on 2019/06/26 04:55:36 PM    
Hi,  I will repost your questions.

Is there a file either within the original folder, or the folder you are trying to move to, that has the same name or file hash of the file you are trying to move?

(I am simply moving completed torrents to a new (clean) Seagate 3GB HDD)

are you trying to move the file to a different harddrive?

(Yes, the 'source' are two internal laptop NTFS HDD's (1TB & 600GB), relocating the files to the new (Clean) Seagate 3GB HDD mentioned above.

where exactly is this error displaying?

(In the 'Transfer Pane". You can click the "Files Tab" and ID the flagged file, seems to always be the first file in the list. You can uncheck it, which removes it and  completes the move)

have you tried moving the file to a different location? what happens?

(You don't really have any options to do anything when the program flags the more or less locks the torrent as far as I remember)

Could it be the destination drive? Given that it's 3GB?  I have no idea.
by Guest on 2019/06/28 11:20:41 AM    
Typo above.

Should read "Seagate 3TB"


(3 Terrabytes NOT Gigabytes)

by Guest on 2023/05/21 09:53:54 AM    

Hey all, I just had this problem myself.  I was also wracking my brains over what could possibly by the problem.
I think I figured it out! (at least in my case...)

I was keeping track of which serial numbers I had been using for this particular torrent, and what workstations I'd used them at.  I made the mistake of typing this information INSIDE the .txt file which came with the torrent (e.g., the "README").  Apparently, just that minor change increased the size (and therefore altered the checksum) enough that Tixati looked at it as being "too large" - because it apparently had 1kb more information now, than before (if that).

So keep an eye out for any alterations you might've made to the files themselves, or anything else that could increase the size or alter the checksum which you did unintentionally.  I'm glad I stumbled across this thread, and I'm also glad I can post this as a guest.  Thank yoU!

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