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Peers tab requests: Column for client; option to resolve IP addr

by Guest on 2019/06/07 11:18:59 PM    
Just a couple requests for the Transfers -> Peers tab:

1) A column for the peer's client name being used.

2) An option to resolve the client IP addresses.

Thanks for considering. :)
by Guest on 2019/06/07 11:36:20 PM    
Oops, found the columns for Peers. :)
by Guest on 2019/07/19 06:07:15 AM    
Hey, different guest here.

I'm looking for resolving peer IPs option too but I couldn't find it.
Is Tixati able to display resolved IPs in peers tab like uTorrent?
by Pete on 2019/07/21 09:25:30 PM    
As far as I know, there's no way to make Tixati resolve IP addresses.
by Guest on 2019/07/23 06:15:23 PM    
If Tixati ever does support this resolve peer IP to name

Please can you consider putting in a Tixati DNS tab option

1) use default DNS lookup
2) use custom DNS lookup (ie

My ISP doesn't seem to like tons of DNS requests, I seem to get temporarily banned maybe it thinks it's stopping a DDoS attempt?

Hence the suggestion for Tixati to use external DNS like Google or spread the lookups over several public ones?


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