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Default settings

by Guest on 2014/03/27 04:26:46 AM    
I've had troubles setting up my vpn and then trying a socks proxy.  I've changed tixati's settings several times while getting everything set up.  I would like to get all my tixati settings back to the original default.  Is there a place to find this info or a way to do it without deleting and redownloading the program?
by Pete on 2014/03/28 08:40:56 PM    
Try this:
1. close Tixati
2. go to %appdata%\tixati folder (on Windows)
3. move files: settings.dat, settings2.dat and .lastloadok.dat equivalents to different location
4. open Tixati

New files with default settings will be created. This will not affect your transfers list, channels, rss and so on, there are separate .dat files for that.

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