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Changed Drive Letter from D to I

by erik6 on 2019/04/06 09:09:55 PM    
I have added e new hard disk and moved the downloaded torrent files to the new disk (D:/). I have changed the folder settings in Tixati from D:/ to the new Disk I:/ and still a have "STATUS OFFLINE" How do I fix this.

Thank You,
by Guest on 2019/04/07 08:26:21 AM    
I assume you are using Windows?

If you don't want to alter settings in Tixati you can always change the letters Windows uses.  Right click the Windows Start button and click Disk Management. Find the Volume you want to change the letter of and right click it.  Select "Change Drive Letter and Paths" and change the drive letter.

I am not sure if this will solve your problem but just thought I'd mention it.
by erik6 on 2019/04/07 10:09:04 AM    
this could solve the problem, but i have several programs on the old drive D:/ and I prefer to use the new I:/ drive (2TB) for Tixati.
by Bugmagnet on 2019/04/09 02:19:44 AM    
I'm confused
moved the downloaded torrent files to the new disk (D:/)
I have changed the folder settings in Tixati from D:/ to the new Disk I:/
i have several programs on the old drive D:/ and I prefer to use the new I:/ drive

First you say the new disk is D:, then I:

Assuming the old disk was D:, and you wanted to move the existing files to I:, best way I think is to do it with Tixati. Did you do it that way? or did you make the move with a file manager?

If the latter, then Tixati doesn't know where to look
by Guest on 2019/04/09 06:02:01 AM    
What it sounds like is that Tixati doesn't/can't see the files that you have moved.  To check the torrents are pointing to the right place right click one of the transfers and click properties.  In the options tab it will have the Location.  If this I drive or E drive?

If I drive, then right click the torrent and click Local Files, Force Check and then start the torrent.

If it is still your old drive, then update the location to the new location.
by soadfan on 2019/04/12 10:45:53 AM    
I guess, what you've changed, applies to newly created transfer only and you should change location of existing transfers manually.

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