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by Guest on 2019/03/31 07:04:06 AM    

Please tell me if is possible to increase the speed for hash checking or moving for torrents with big number of files because this is going very very slow compared with speed for torrents with small number of files and proximate same size.

Best regards,
by Guest on 2019/04/02 06:10:06 PM    
I'm pretty sure moving files does not impact on hash checking.  If you are moving files on the same physical disk the move should be almost instant as the physical data isn't being move at all.  If you are moving files between an external device (say one is connected by USB) and another device then the bottle neck is probably the bandwidth available to USB.

If this is the case you can check that the device is connected to a port with adequate bandwidth. In other words, if the drive is USB3.0 it is connected to a USB3.0 port.
by Guest on 2019/04/06 09:42:07 PM    

There are two cases but I think that both can be resolved by the possibility to increase cache size for reading and writing files because even on sata3 connection the speed is very low.

Best regards,

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