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Search transfers function?

by Student94 on 2019/03/29 08:47:56 PM    
I use Tixati to seed thousands of individual, copyright free academic books, texts & documents.

These documents often disappear from the internet, because they're seldom downloaded and the original uploader stops seeding after a few years. To protect the knowledge, I save copies, and seed. Problem is that with so many transfers, it's sometimes difficult to to find a specific transfer. I haven't found a search function to search for a given transfer, the search button searches external channels, not my own existing transfers.

Is there a search function, and if so, how do I find it?
If not, would it be possible to add a search function?

by Bugmagnet on 2019/03/29 11:45:41 PM    
enable Transfers/Layout/(x)Text Filter

And THANK YOU for sharing.

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