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New buttons in torrent prompt

by Guest on 2019/03/22 03:22:17 PM    
Please add two new buttons in new torrent prompt:

1 - Ordered

2 - Stream Mode (Sequential + Front and Back Agressives)
by Bugmagnet on 2019/03/26 02:55:11 AM    
While streaming support might be useful for something, it is detrimental to file sharing and contrary to the design concept of the bit torrent protocol
by Guest on 2019/03/26 02:36:53 PM    
Sequential Downloading is not detrimental.
I use it to download a file and start using it before it finishes downloading. Once it finishes it is shared normally. There is the discussion that it might take longer to download but I can start using the file faster than waiting for it to finish downloading.

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