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Moving OS and file paths

by Guest on 2019/03/19 05:48:18 AM    

I have 2 drives. The first has Tixati and the settings (portable version) and the second drive has all my files,

I wish to move from Windows to a Linux distro so understandably the file paths will change.  If the files were stored on the same drive as Tixati then the relative paths shouldn’t have an issue but they are not stored on the same drive.

Is there anyway I can edit/hex edit the .dat files or do I have to manually go through each category and repoint them at their corresponding folders?

by Pete on 2019/03/19 07:32:59 PM    
What is your folder structure? The easiest way is to use symbolic links.
by Guest on 2019/03/20 08:53:45 AM    
Drive 1: /Tixati (Folder with Tixati settings)
Drive 2: /Data1 (Folder on another drive holding X amount of categories)
Drive 3: /Data2 (Folder on another drive holding X amount of categories)

by Pete on 2019/03/20 10:07:26 PM    
On Windows I assume it's something like this:

Tixati portable location shouldn't matter as long as you can run it. I'd just copy it to user's home directory. Last time I checked, when run on Linux, Tixati will add "/" at the beginning of each path:

Easy workaround is to create symbolic links in root directory named "d:" and "e:"
/d: -> data1
/e: -> data2

The data1, data2 directories can be mounted where you like them, just point corresponding symlink to each of them.
by Guest on 2019/03/21 09:10:05 AM    
That's a mighty fine idea sir.

Thank you.

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