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How does Tixati 2.58 break winsockets?

by Guest on 2019/03/18 09:36:57 AM    
I have a game which cannot works simultaneously with Tixati 2.58.


1. Run a game.
2. Run a Tixati. Start any transfer(s).
3. Game continue running until closed.
4. Quit a game. Quit a Tixati.
5. Run a game again. After ~15min get message «Disconnected from server» and drops to desktop.
6. Game disconnecting continues until reboot.
7. After reboot game works fine until launch Tixati.

Gamelog contains this lines:
[2019-02-26T22:54:07.205+04] :  XMPP connection lost (state 4, reason 3)
[2019-02-26T22:54:07.403+04]  Disconnect; profid=699454; ver='1.19000.1750.41200'; cause='Lost connection to jabber'; msg='Remote disconnected: Player 699454 is kicked because of lost connection'

I have no idea why xmpp lost connection and what happened with winsockets after Tixati 2.58 session.

PS. Now I falling back to Tixati 2.57 and all works fine without any problems.
by Guest on 2019/03/18 10:50:27 PM    
so you dont have trouble with your game until you close tixati?

have you tried the new release, v2.59?

what OS?
by Guest on 2019/03/19 06:46:38 PM    
There are no problems until I restart the game, and it doesn't matter if the tixati is still working or is already closed.

No, I have not tried yet.

Windows 10.0.14393 64-bit.

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