by Guest on 2019/03/08 06:41:55 PM
How lazy are you?
Wipe it yourself.
Hum... Is not it a bit rude?
You assume that we are all competent in this matter. Because, it is just a bit more complex that this. It all depends on what the "forever delete" means.
1- for the huge majority of the users, it simply means that it won't go 1st to the Recycle Bin...
2- ... and if it is really a forensic issue, just understand that law enforcement agencies do have the mean to retrieve the echoes of your data, even after the use of a "shredder", except if you take the option of extremely long and repeated r/w above the old data, and using various shredders in the process ...
3- finally, erasing the files won't erase the logs disseminated in your Windows and tmp files and registry, nor the logs kept by your ISP when you access a torrent ...