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Feature request

by Guest on 2019/02/25 05:14:52 PM    

I wouldn't really call this a feature request, more of a feature expansion.

1. In the transfers view it'd be nice to have a column called "Time leeching" to report the accumulative time a transfer has been active (not in a queue).  
2. In the transfers view it'd be nice to have a column called "Time active" to report the accumulative time a transfer has been active with a non-zero B/s in rate.
3. In the transfers view it'd be nice to have a column called "Activity" which would be the Time active / Time leeching.   Essentially if a torrent is always downloading when it is active this would be equal to 1(100%) and if it's dead then inf.
4. If possible it'd also be nice to have the option to display categories in a tree view.  For example, I have X categories under one separator category.  It'd be nice to expand and minimize this list.

Thanks for reading my suggestions

PS. I think separators may not be working as intended.  

It says " When selected, they show all items from categories below them until the next separator or the bottom of the list.  This can be useful for creating a hierarchy of categories and sub-categories. " but that doesn't always hold true.  For example, if I have 3 separators with the first having n categories below it, the second separator having no categories below it and the third separator having some categories below it then this is the behavior I am experiencing.

Clicking on the first separators shows contents of all categories until separator two.  However, if I click the second separator it shows me all the categories including those above it.

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