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Feature Request: View IP filter verbose output.

by 1Z0455E7 on 2019/02/25 12:34:30 AM    

I have several IP filters I use within Tixati and while the GUI displays some info like how many records are in the filter, I would really like to be able to see a verbose output of what filter is doing.

Something like:

Time HH:MM:SS.sss| Query time |Filter Direction |Filter Action |Filter Protocol |Filter Name |Rule Line # |Rule Name |Rule Ip or Range
00:00:01.029     | .068       |Out              |DM            |Peer            |Bluetack 1  |23          |Universal Records|

Time shows the local time

Query Time displays an approximate of how long it took for this rule to be found and used.

Filter Direction would show IN, OUT or --- (--- for DHT, Trackers, and RSS)

Filter Action would show DM (Drop Match), DNM (Drop Non-Match), AM (Accept Match) or ANM (Accept Non-Match)

Filter Protocol would show Peers, DHT, Tracker, or RSS

Filter Name would show the name of the Filter as entered in the filter settings page.

Rule Line # would show at what line number was the rule in the filter list.

Rule Name would show the comment (if any) for the rule

Rule IP or Range would show the content of the rule.


I understand that turning this on would slow down the system, and logging this to disc would become large quickly, but it would sure help to understand the ruleset better, and the quality of the filter in general.

What do you think?

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