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Feature Suggestion - Stop/Start Master 'Switch'

by Guest on 2014/03/19 12:46:13 AM    
My suggestion is for a button you can press to Stop and Start all transfer activity.  This should function independently of all your torrent statuses.

For instance, I have 400+ torrents in my Tixati.  Some I have stopped, many are seeding and some are downloading.  I want to be able to shut off the transfer activity without closing down Tixati altogether. And also without stopping the individual torrents themselves (because otherwise I have to then remember which of my 400+ torrents I had active and which I didn't.)

A master switch would solve the problem.  It would be useful, for instance, if you wanted to temporarily stop Tixati activity, so you can disconnect your VPN to go do something else (e.g go buy something from an online store and not have my credit card appear as though I'm using it in a foreign country which would trigger anti fraud measures).  Or so you can go safely switch your VPN gateway now and again.

I could do it by closing Tixati altogether and then restarting it.  But Tixati then insists on rechecking every single torrent all over again on start up, which can take quite a while.

This could also compliment a VPN protection feature which I've no doubt will have been requested by more than one person.

Anyway.  What do you think?
by Guest on 2014/03/19 10:15:41 PM    
Right click the top bar, (where home, transfers, bandwidth, etc are) there you can stop all transfers. and when you want to start again just right click the same area and choose restart all transfers, that will restart ONLY the transfers that you stopped earlier.

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