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by Strider on 2014/03/18 05:27:33 PM    

I didn't know where else to leave feedback so I thought I'd leave it here.

I just wanted to post having made the switch from uTorrent to Tixati. I like what I see mostly but there are some fairly obvious things which I feel I should have the facility to change or should be changed as default.

The buttons along the top for bandwidth etc. They use up so much screen real estate. I can't help but think 1990's. Like when I first started using the internet. It reminds me of that time period.

Anyway. I'll continue testing.
by Sailor24 on 2014/03/19 06:37:48 AM    
Hmmmmm. My guess is you have not right clicked on one of those targets.
by ohboy on 2014/03/20 04:43:17 AM    
What do you mean by "Hmmmmm. My guess is you have not right clicked on one of those targets."  The Home, Channels, Transfers, Bandwidth, DHT, Settings, and Help blocks at the top of the screen should probably be about 25% of their current height.  Right clicking on any of the icons brings up the same exact menu.  That's not a standard interface.  No two buttons should ever open identical menus.

Is there a way to make those 7 icons smaller and take up less vertical space?  And, if the answer is, "yes," then please give detailed instructions.

Better yet, is there any way to replace the icons simply with text?  The pictures are pretty, but completely unnecessary given the text beneath each.

Thanks in advance.
by Guest on 2014/03/21 12:18:53 AM    

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