by Guest on 2018/09/19 02:55:00 PM
download completion sounds
we need a test button for sound testing, and if sounds work, for checking out all the available sounds
by Guest on 2018/11/03 01:46:36 PM
selecting any of the sounds from the list of sounds (xylo up, xylo down, gong, etc.), i hear nothing when a download completes.
when i select a WAV file, tixati crashes when a download completes.
linux, v2.58, this and all the previous messages in this thread are by the same guest
by Guest on 2019/03/25 11:56:08 AM
v2.59, still broken
clarification: all the previous messages are from the same user, except the second one
by Guest on 2020/05/02 04:24:24 PM
still broken, 2.73 on arch linux, linux 5.6.9, pulseaudio 13.0, alsa-lib 1.2.2