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Wrong Seeds Detection

by Guest on 2018/08/03 02:02:50 PM    
I have noticed several times that Tixati reports "Downloading 1(1) 6(7)" for example. But when I check the PEERS tab, there is no Peer with 100% torrent.

It happens with different Peer clients (as reported by Tixati).

by Bugmagnet on 2018/08/04 04:23:40 AM    
Sometimes a user is seeding only part of the contents of a torrent. It may contain 10 files but they might only be sharing 2 of them. They still show as a seed if they are not downloading the others, just sharing what they have.  Maybe this is what you are seeing occasionally.
by Pete on 2018/08/06 01:57:31 PM    
It happens for me too, numbers from the Status column often don't match with actual peers on the list.
by Guest on 2018/08/06 04:22:13 PM    

Not in this case as the torrent only has 2 files which are about 50% each. Peer shows as a Seed but has 0% of the torrent.

by Sailor24 on 2018/08/10 04:51:51 AM    
Recently a few sites that have stopped or never had torrents only magnets to download have bots that only have the torrent. When you download the magnet there are there ready to hand you the torrent file in your client. That is all they have of the file so show 0% but are seeds because they have the torrent file. If you look at the ports used you can figure out what sites they are from. I suspect you will see much more of this in the future.
by Guest on 2018/08/10 01:37:34 PM    

This might be the case sometimes but the ones I see have some % of the file, not 0%.

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