by Guest on 2018/08/03 12:24:03 PM
Hi all!
I'm now going to migrate to Tixati from another torrent client and I found out, that it's very hard to do so.
I have about 200 torrents seeding in the other client, so what I was going to do was to write a program that:
1. reads the "resume" file from another torrent client
2. writes the set of transfers' metadata and locations of the content on my PC in a format that Tixati can understand and import
Of course, I want to also preserve statistics for each transfer: count of bytes uploaded, date/time added, date/time of last activity.
In fact I can not do step 2. I failed to find a settings/transfers file format for Tixati.
Could you please add feature to import/export transfers from/to an XML file? Or, at least, a Bencode-formatted file? Or could you write documentation with description of file format Tixati currently uses for import/export settings?
Thanks a lot for attention to this topic anyway!