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Run both laptop Tixati Install & Ext HD Tixati Portable sametime

by crashnburn on 2018/07/05 07:20:40 AM    
Run both laptop Tixati Install & Ext HD Tixati Portable sametime

How to run 2 instances of Tixati at same time? Tixati Install (On laptop for smaller files) & Tixati Portable (On External HDD)?

How to make this happen?

Its not done a lot of times, but sometimes I'd like to do so.
by Kronie on 2018/07/15 04:47:22 PM    
Making an external synchronization link, software and match / merge process(es) would be so custom as to never
be made available freely.  They do exist, however, in the meantime, simply running two disparate instances and
repeating the same torrent downloads are the only practical method and means possible.

Any other contributors or comments?

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