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Playing downloaded videos

by ronholmes1 on 2018/07/03 07:51:34 PM    
O.K., I've downloaded some videos in Tixati and would like to play them. I normally watch videos through VLC. I've tried everything I can think of in VLC to get to the files in Tixati and open and play them and although Tixati says they are at c:\\User\Ron\Desktop\Download when I get there, the files are not there.
Even with VLC open, I can't figure out how, in Tixati, to get a file over to VLC.
I'm sure there's a way, but can someone, in simple english, tell me how to match up the videos in Tixati, with the player VLC? Thank You-I don't have that much hair left!
by Pete on 2018/07/09 07:32:07 PM    
Select a transfer (torrent) switch to Files tab. Right click a file > Open - to play a video file. Right click a file > Open Folder - to open a folder containing that file.

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