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Priorities not working

by VPupkin on 2018/06/05 04:15:19 PM    
I have a question for the developers only, because only they can give a qualified answer. I've recently had several downloads running and there was a huge disproportion between their peers' cumulative bandwidth. For this reason the fast torrent was eating most of the bandwidth thus preventing the slower ones from downloading at reasonable speed (although they could).
I've tried to adjust this disproportion by using priorities but this wouldn't help at all. I'd like to post an image for vivid explanation but it's not possible here - you must give us this possibility. I applied drastic adjustments and the list of torrents looked something like this:
Fast_torrent  VeryLow 1.4Mi
Slow_torrent_1 UltraHigh 100Ki
Slow_torrent_2 High 20Ki
I.e. despite the priorities set Fast_torrent consumed all the bandwidth for the cost of slow torrents. I know this, because Slow_torrent_1 alone could reach 800Ki and even more. This proves your algorithm of prioritizing doesn't work! What will you say to that?
by Napsterbater on 2018/06/07 06:00:19 AM    
First, did you have a global bandwidth cap enabled/set in Tixati? If not Priorities do nothing.
by VPupkin on 2018/06/08 04:05:58 PM    
Sure I did. I read the warning that came out when I tried to set priorities first.
Are you a developer?
by Napsterbater on 2018/06/08 11:15:24 PM    
Should have added this to the first question.

Is the Limit set to a reasonable amount? I.E. At or less then your internet connections max speed?
Is the total of the Transfers reaching that set limit?

And no. But no one else has responded to you, so at this point I am the best you have.

Also note I use priorities all the time, and they work very well for me, but you must understand you client is not the only one in control, the sending side is aswell + many other things.
by VPupkin on 2018/06/10 06:53:40 PM    
No offence, but there's no sense in talking to you. You won't give me any real help. All you can tell me is that it works fine for you. I'm pleased that it does, but not the same for me.
So I'm waiting for the developers to look at the question. In response to the previous post, the bandwidth cap was set approximately to my internet channel's bandwidth (which was the total of all downloaded torrents displayed in the status).
Developers, halloo!
Are you looking in on the forum sometimes?
by Napsterbater on 2018/06/12 08:45:25 PM    
No offence, but in addition to making sure simple thing were checked I was also making sure the Devs had some proper info that was left out of your post to save time time and some back and forth to get it solved faster.

But sure keep that attitude. I'm sure it will make others much more likely to help if they know the issues/solution.

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