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Adding new Torrent into Category Automatically

by Guest on 2018/05/19 08:11:12 AM    
Using latest v2.57 portable

When adding a new torrent there should be a way for it to go into a Category automatically.
The easiest way I can see is for the user to select the category on the Category sidebar, this changes the transfer list then when you press add button it should go into that category.
In the "add new transfer" window there should be a drop down menu box asking which category
Have both -
First you select in the Category side bar if you want to and when you press "add" there will also be a drop down box in the "add new transfer" window already showing the category selected earlier, then the user can change it if it was wrong the first time.

This will save the user having to change the category after added. Which is a pain!

Thanks developers, hope you will add this feature.

by SmokeHound on 2018/10/06 06:50:14 PM    
There is a drop down, in the transfers window click category.

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