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[REQUEST] Please reduce memory consumption

by Guest on 2018/05/02 06:23:39 PM    
Please reduce memory consumption or add some possibility to reduce features or keeping statistics or whatever.

I have two Tixatis running that take 14GB of memory, even when I have the absolute minimum of columns etc. showing.

Also if its not already fixed/improved, I really would like to see Tixati handle torrents in a way that for example
two Tixatis with 2500 shares each is not faster than one with 5000 shares. On my other computer I had to run
multiple Tixatis because if I had one Tixati with 5000 torrents, it would take all my CPU power when 2 x 2500 shares
took much less. However this was done long time ago, and if there has been some major architecture change to handle
this problem, I would appreciate if you could comment on this. Its just too much work to just test if combining those
Tixatis would this time run smoothly.
by Guest on 2018/05/03 05:21:09 AM    
I'm not sure there are fast and an easy way to do that, if not, they are shall be already and much earlier before made that first-priority thing. If there are not some quick miracle to fix the problem.
by Guest on 2018/05/06 03:20:55 PM    
I'm not sure you will be able to get a reduction on 5000 torrents being opened at once. That's a lot of constantly opening network connections to check for peers etc, as well as checking files for pieces and integrity.

I was going to state I run mine fine in a VM that has 4GB of RAM, but I also never run more than 300 or so torrents at a time.
by bvc2 on 2018/05/08 05:11:09 AM    
I was running 3000 and more torrents at once as actively and permanently seeded being using Azureus. And Azureus was pretty well while system memory amount - only 4 GB. Just tuning up JVM settings.

Good Tixati too moving to that's way.

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