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request - upload ratio limits

by Pete on 2018/04/19 05:16:00 PM    

I use Tixati almost every day for a few years. It's the best Bittorrent client I've used so far. It is so good I don't event try to find better one any more. Good work!

I'd like to propose a little enhancement. My default seeding upload/download ratio is 3.0. Very often I want to seed longer however, so I manually change a target ratio. There are two options to do this:
1. through a context menu - the fastest way and allows for changing multiple transfers simultaneously,
2. through an options tab - takes longer and is for one transfer only (I use the Tree View so it takes even longer)

Of course when I can I use the 1. option. My problem is there are predefined ratios there, that I can't customize: 1.00 - 8.00. These values are too low for me. I often set 10.00, 25.00, 50.00. Please add an option to customize the Upload Ratio Limit menu choices, like the Bandwidth context menu.

If you at some point decide to add custom upload ratio limits, please don't forget about the Remote Seed Limit too.

Thanks for your time.
by jprc on 2018/09/21 09:32:24 AM    
I support this request.

I tried to find a config file in "(user)\AppData\Roaming\tixati" that I can edit for changing default ratios 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to something like  1 3 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 100 1000 (with a bunch of flowers sent to any one reaching a ratio of 1000 !!!)etc, but could not edit the DAT files (with Notepad+).

I wait then for this nice editing option.

I think it is always welcome to allow high ratio rates, as I really find the old rules too low for what the leechers do today...
by Bugmagnet on 2018/09/22 04:20:46 PM    
Pete, first I want to agree, Tixati is without peer :) And I like you, don't keep shopping for an alternative.

As you likely know, I tend to be a promiscuous sharer and do not use ratios at all to restrict or stop sharing. I note that for most of the torrents I share, I am the only seed. Sad that some show a history of 10+ or even 100+ shares yet none of those have continued sharing, seeding. Rather than restrict by ration, I prefer to allocate my UL bw by need, by the number of alternative remote seeders. For some files, if there are 5 other seeds, I stop. I prefer to save my limited BW for files which few if any other users are seeding.

For those who find using ratios to control, after looking at the options you noted, I agree that some simply  modifications would improve things.

As to your suggestion, I note a 3rd option, the Category settings.

And as to the limited menu presets you mentioned, I agree it could be simplified by adding the ability to set a custom value. That would eliminate need for those hair-splitting 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ... ratios as is.
by jprc on 2019/03/15 08:19:43 AM    
Can we expect something in a near future ?
by Pete on 2019/03/17 11:21:17 AM    
Bugmagnet thank you for your suggestion on Categories. I made categories Public 10, Public 25, Public 50 and Public, everything else goes to default - no category. 10, 25, 50 are target seed ratios and Public is for unlimited. This way I can change ratio limit for multiple transfers by moving them between those categories. It works fine but still is a workaround. With more categories it is little too much, imagine 5 categories each split to 4 ratios ;-)
by Guest on 2025/02/16 06:04:31 PM    
any update on this feature

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