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Sudden Crash v2.57 and other weird behaviours/bugs

by hcbd on 2018/04/15 02:40:18 PM    
v2.57 crashes / dissapears on my system after running for a while.

My system:
Fedora 27 x86_64, linuxkernel: 4.15.10 and Gnome 3.26.2

The crashlog which tixati dumped on my desktop:

257 tixati_2.57.1_l64

(log removed by Mod and sent to Devs)

The CORE DUMP from systemd-coredum:

(log removed by Mod and sent to Devs)

The 2nd bug:
When starting Tixati from Gnome, Gnome gives a warning after about 2 seconds that 'this program is unresponsive; wait for it or kill it now'. Waiting or pressing wait makes tixati startup normally.
This message should not be popping up.

The 3e bug:
I also notice that when Tixati writes my channels2.dat file to disk, the GUI completely freezes for this period (say about 2-8 seconds) and it seems (in the graph) that it is dropping connections when it does.
I should note that my channels2.dat is about 1Gb big and that it is written to an ssd.
(could bug 2 & 3 be related?)

The 4e bug:
I sometimes have no titlebar (looks like a 'fullscreen' mode) when i start Tixati , specially if the application starts up maximised. (not sure if this is a Tixati or Gnome bug)
Found this log entry: Window manager warning: Treating resize request of legacy application 0x2c0004f (Tixati v2.) as a fullscreen request

The 5 bug:
The Settings windows doesn't fit on my laptopscreen which is 1024 by 768 (Settingswindow is to high, the bottom part isn't visible or reachable.... this is not very handy (maybe add a scrollbar?)

more bugs/errors? :
My linux logs notes the following about tixati about the following stuff a lot:
- Window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x2c0004f (Tixati v2.)
- Window manager warning: Window 0x2c33650 (About Tixa) sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size 307 x 201 and max size 2147483647 x 2147483647; this doesn't make much sense.
- Window manager warning: Window 0x2c3037a (Tixati Set) sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size 731 x 780 and max size 2147483647 x 2147483647; this doesn't make much sense.

Thank you and keep up the good work...

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