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Incomplete files suffix

by Guest on 2018/04/12 11:56:44 AM    
I've read some topics on this forum about the convenience or not of letting Tixati set a incomplete file suffix.

I will explain my personal case. More often than not my main hard drive (which is a SSD) is almost full. Then I plug an external USB drive, and I set it as download destination for all Torrents.

The problem is that TVs, media centers, car main units and MP3 players try to reproduce the incomplete files (as they are pre-allocated) and sometimes they fail and other times they make the system crash (believe me, there are some main car companies that have really buggy infotainment solutions).

These issues would be solved if only Tixati would optionally allow some users (like me) not only to have the incomplete prefix, but also a suffix to avoid those files to be read by 'dumb' media players.

Example of the proposed file name:
by Pete on 2018/04/13 09:03:01 PM    
You can do this already, go to Settings > Transfers > Files and set the Incomplete file name format. You can choose the suffix or prefix (or both) yourself. Try: $file.suffix

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