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Is tixati wasting seeder bandwidth by prefering download pieces?

by Guest on 2018/03/31 03:45:18 PM    
Does this come from Tixati or the seeders client? I started a download with 1 seed and 5 peers, the peers had 1-2 percent so the torrent is in its "early stage". And i noticed that the seeder is mostly uploading me the pieces that are already being downloaded from other peers. I think this is a waste of bandwidth because i could download new pieces and seed those, continue downloading "old" pieces from other peers and upload pieces that only i downloaded from the seeder.
by TX007 on 2018/04/01 05:35:35 AM    
In your situation there is 3 possibilities that come to my mind:
1- other peers are not willing to share with you, they are just leeching, that oblige the seeder to send the same blocks more than once.
2- you and other peers are downloading in sequential mode (very bad behavior unless there is many seeders and few peers).
3- your incoming connections port is not mapped.
by Napsterbater on 2018/04/02 08:29:18 AM    
3- your incoming connections port is not mapped.
Wouldn't apply in this case. OP made connections, or had connections made from others. Once done port being forwarded or not has no bearing on the two way communication established which includes the pieces offered or selected.

Now not having port forward would prevent the connection if the other peer/seed did not have a port opened.
by Pete on 2018/04/02 06:23:30 PM    
From my observations Tixati in fact does download a few well distributed pieces at the very beginning, when you have zero pieces. After they complete, Tixati continues to download prioritizing rarest pieces first. I think it is meant to speed up the beginning, so that Tixati can trade sooner. It helps especially while downloading a torrent with many low bandwidth peers (a common situation for public torrents), and with large piece size. In this kind of situation it's hard to complete first piece, when you are picking rarest first. Even if a peer stay connected for enough time for you to complete a piece, it may take a lot of time. By using Tixati's method, you can complete first few pieces reasonably fast, by downloading them from multiple peers each, and have something to trade. I'm not sure how many pieces are downloaded this way, I guess between five and ten.

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