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entered numbers in settings are not saved unless deselected

by Guest on 2018/03/17 03:41:11 PM    
For example, the setting "TCP/UDP port for peer connections and messages" is not saved in the current and previous version of Tixati (v.2.57) under Windows (64) when I do this:

1. open the settings pannl, go to Network, Incoming port
2. double click the number so it is selected
3. enter a new number
4. click the "Close" button

The port is not saved, it is reverted to whatever was in it before. It seems to me the entered number doesn't register until the input box is deselected?

This bug seems to not happen
- when you use the little arrow buttons to set the port
- when you open another settings panel after entering the port
- any other type of setting

thx for a great program!

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