by Guest on 2018/03/17 10:46:01 AM
Hi, I started using Tixati over uTorrent a couple years ago and love the Tixati software. However, the one thing that I have struggled with is trying to save my torrents to a custom location not in my Customized List. I have setup a Customized List of most common download locations which works brilliantly for most downloads, but every so often I want to download a torrent's files into a new subfolder of one of my default Completed folders.
There are 2 solutions that would work really well for this.
1. Enhance the folder selection feature when adding/starting a torrent to allow selecting a location + optionally entering the name for a new subfolder that will automatically be created and used as the download location. (This feature was/is available in uTorrent.)
2. Enhance the Move feature so that when you browse for a new location it begins in the location currently selected as the download location. (This would allow me to select a default location from my Customized List, manually create a subfolder and easily browse and select the new subfolder as the Move On Complete location. Currently, the browse feature begins in the root folder and I have to select the drive and drill down through all subfolders to get back to the folder I initially selected as the download location before I can select the new subfolder in that location.)
Given how the UI currently works, I figured option 2 would be easier to implement even though option 1 would be the most ideal solution. Either solution would help out tremendously.
Thanks in advance for considering this feature. And thanks for your hard work in developing this wonderful software.