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[Question] Availability and Peer Progress in Partial download

by Guest on 2018/03/09 12:54:01 AM    
Let's say I want to download 50% of the files.
It says the availability is 0.800 available copies.
Does that mean 0.800 of that 50% I want to download, or 0.800 of the whole files in the torrent?
And if the peer progress (seeder) shows 25%, does that mean this peer/seeder has 25% of the whole files or 25% of the files I'm trying to download?

I'm wondering because every time I'm downloading from ~100 gb torrent, the availability and peer progress are often pretty small despite I only try to download like 10% of the whole files, so I'm wondering if I should just cancel them. Or maybe it's just coincidence that I always try to download the rare part of the files?

I'm sorry if this is a dumb question. Pretty new with torrent and Tixati.
by TX007 on 2018/03/09 07:50:49 PM    
Hi ,
Both the availability and the peer percentage represent the whole data managed by the torrent, not only the part you are trying to download.

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