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Slow performance on slower machines (one thread?!)

by Guest on 2018/03/01 10:01:29 AM    
I have a 1Gbps connection.
I try several torrent clients.
On one not so powerful machine with 3-core Athlon II 3GHz Tixati hits some limit on downloading speed of 25-30MB/s max. OS is Windows Server 2016 with 8GB RAM.
At the same time CPU load in Task Manager is revolving around 33% all the time.
I load uTorrent 2.2.1 and the same torrents download with 85MB/s (the first seconds until cache is full) then drop to about 60MB/s, with less than 60% CPU.
Is this really a one-thread limit of some kind? Tixati is clearly unusable on this machine if I don't want to be crippled to 1/4 of my available bandwidth.
On my desktop (more powerful Ryzen) Tixati seems to not hit anything but there the CPU is 3.6GHz.
by Pete on 2018/03/01 06:56:47 PM    
From your description it looks exactly that Tixati is beeing limited by 100% usage of one core.

I had similar experience, although not on 1Gbps connection, with old single core Thinkpad laptop.
by Guest on 2018/03/03 03:26:03 AM    
I'm the OP.
Yes it seems so. Today I swapped the CPU with 4-core Phenom II 3.4GHz (otherwise relatively good upgrade) and Tixati "fixated" itself to around 25% CPU usage and the maximum download speed increased to about 36MB/s.
It seems I'll wait better times for this program if anything like multithreading is planned in the future. For my Ryzen it seems Ok but knowing I'm still somehow limited to one core... and if I decide to load many torrents at the same time..

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