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"Could not listen for incoming connections" Error...

by Guest on 2014/03/10 04:28:24 AM    
Error: Descriptor not a socket

Any idea how to fix this?

Windows 7, exe is trusted in firewall.
by Guest on 2014/03/11 02:11:45 AM    
I used a Restore Point. Don't know what the problem was, but it's fixed now...
by Guest on 2014/03/11 03:42:45 AM    
Need more info on your setup? You using a router? Wireless wired? How big is the network? Generally this type of error happens when the computer does not get an IP address assigned to it. That said usually only with servers not routers. This info might help you, step one anyway. It is not totally accurate because this was written for much early windows, but it still gets you started.
This is a copy and paste from someone more  knowledgeable. I will add now how to find your assigned IP on windows 7. Get to the network/sharing center though the control panel or by clicking on the network task bar icon and choosing the link. the top part of that page shows your computer a router or server maybe then the internet. Just to the right it says full map, click it and on the new screen you see the same as the last screen sort of. Place the mouse pointer over "your computer" and a balloon will open and show you the IP address if there is one.


This can be either because TCP/IP is not installed properly on the server or because the computer does not have a valid IP address assigned to it.

To resolve the problem, first check that the computer has a valid IP address assigned - go to Control Panel ® Networks ® TCP/IP and check that an IP address is assigned (it should not be 'server assigned').
If that doesn't work, then you will need to reinstall TCP/IP networking:

   Remove TCP/IP networking

   Reboot the computer

   Add TCP/IP networking

   Reboot the computer again

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