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FOPNU vs Tixati side by side

by loninappleton on 2018/02/09 03:31:25 AM    
Can someone say which is the slimmer and faster client between the
two releases?  I haven't seen much on it here.  My specific concern is which program may do screen rewrites faster.

My reason for asking is that I've noticed some slowdown of late and can't locate where it might be.  The only difference between two networked machines I have in a homenet is the Tixati program which is on 24/7.

The system on which the Tixati runs is an AMD three core.
torrent load is about 300 with 50 seeds active at a time.

The version I have active is 2.53.
by Guest on 2018/02/19 11:43:12 PM    
fopnu is not a torrent client, so you cant substitute tixati with it

and yes tixati can get big with many torrents and long run time, try disabling dht, and other features you dont use (channels, logs, etc)

but slowdown usually means high cpu,ram or hdd usage. you should investigate which one is it and what is causing it. might not even be tixati faults
by loninappleton on 2018/03/01 05:45:04 AM    
Ok thanks for answering.  Depending on what I had open it might be
ad blockers-- too many, wrong kind.  I switched those off in Firefox.  And tried
Opera.  Those things did some good.  But because it was a screen problem-- draggy rewiting a screen etc,  I though the reaon was the Bandwidth graph display
causing interrupts in loads.

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