by Guest on 2018/02/04 12:38:06 AM
I had a minor blue screen episode this morning and when I restarted my laptop and attempted to open Tixati, I repeatedly get an error message stating "Error Code 3".
I followed the prompts and checked my hard disc space, it was not exactly low, there was 85GB free, so I freed up some more space and got it up to 220GB.
Now every time I click on the button "Revert to backup of last successfully loaded config file" this fails and I get Error Code 3.
This as never happened to me before as the Revert button has always worked without fail.
Being a computer novice I don't know how to revert to an old dat, or reinstate it in another manner. Unfortunately, I just checked, my System Restore is not turned on, so that's a massive let down. Am not sure how, or why that happened, but there's no restore points to use!
Any help/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I don't want to loose the incomplete data.