psycros on 2018/01/28 02:23:31 AM
(NOTE: there appears to be a very small character limit to the title of new threads.)
Version: 2.55. Beginning two updates ago I have started to see a behavior in which Tixati initiates more downloads in your queue without being told to. Even when I have DL and UL set to 1/1 this occurs. I think it may be related to the "skip queue" function because it only happens when I have manually started downloads that way. The client will keep trying to skip queue on two to four more of the downloads you have queued. If you stop any downloads it will just skip queue on more of them. Even stopping all downloads and then queuing them again won't stop this behavior, nor does restarting Tixati. Only a full reinstall and import of settings seems to fix it.
psycros on 2018/01/28 04:20:58 AM
Found another temp fix: stop EVERYTHING in queue, even finished seeds, standbys, etc and then restart the ones you want to be queued THEN skip queue on files one at a time. I half-suspect that skipping queue for *multiple* files might be the cause of the bug but I'm not sure.