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Selecting more files in a torrent causes split directories

by Guest on 2017/12/21 12:33:11 AM    
Hi, first of all, thank you for this great software! I have been using it for quite a while (and advertising it to everyone around) but recently have noticed a strange behavior.

When I select a single file to download from a torrent, it goes directly to my default folder. While I would prefer for it to be automatically put in a subfolder as is the case with downloads containing multiple files, this is perfectly ok.
However, when I then select more files, they are put in a subfolder, causing the torrent to be located in two locations. This is very cumbersome when, for example, I later try to move it manually or when simply double clicking the torrent in Tixati and the folder that is opened doesn't contain all the files.

To sum up:
current behavior:
My default folder is \downloads\, the torrent ABC contains files A, B and C. I select only A to download, and it's put in \downloads\A.ext.
Then, later, I select also B and C. They are automatically put in \downloads\ABC\. File A is not in the same folder now.

expected behavior:
All files A, B and C should be located in \downloads\ABC\. File A could be put in this folder right at the start or moved immediately after selecting files B and C to download.

I hope I didn't miss some obvious fix to this :) Cheers!
by Guest on 2017/12/30 11:37:56 AM    
Go to settings-transfers-files

make sure 'Always auto-select files in new transfers' is NOT on.

that way when you start a single file in a torrent it will be put into its folder, and if you select more files later, they will end up in that folder with the first file you started.
by Guest on 2018/01/03 09:20:40 PM    
Thanks a lot, this workaround works and I'll use it from now on.
However, this approach is much slower and defeats the purpose of the file auto-selection functionality (quick selection of only large files) and looks even more to be a bug, or at least undocumented/unexpected behavior.

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