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compatibility mode

by Guest on 2017/12/11 07:31:18 PM    
I am using Windows 10 and have Tixatie 2.55. When I check the properties and select the compatibility mode I can only select the following Windows versions: Windows Vista, Windows Vista service pack 1, Windows Vista service pack 2, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Windows 10 is not mentioned in the list. Why not?


by Guest on 2017/12/12 12:32:58 AM    
tixati is totally compatible with windows 10
by Guest on 2017/12/12 07:16:05 PM    
Ok, thats clear. When I want to download multiple, seperate, files/episodes via Tixati I get every time when I click 1 file a pop-up with the question:

Open Tixati?

And then a check-box with the question: Always open these types of links in the corresponding app.

When I check the box or not, I get the pop-up question every time. Is there something in the Tixati properties that I can change so the question will not be asked anymore?? I thought it had something to do with the compatibility with Windows 10.
by Napsterbater on 2017/12/13 12:17:47 AM    
Ummm, if you are running it on Windows 10, why would you want Windows to run it in "Windows 10" compatibility mode???

by Guest on 2017/12/13 05:51:07 PM    
@ Napsterbater

When you see my second reaction, I thought the problem was the compatibility. But mayby you know the answer? Or mayby the people from Tixati can give an answer....
by Napsterbater on 2017/12/15 11:40:35 PM    
2nd reaction? do you mean question? What is/was it? you are on here as quest, you need to give of the tile of the post or something.

But again Tixati has NO NEED for compatibility mode AT ALL on Windows 10.

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