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Combining partially downloaded torrents/files
on 2017/12/09 03:32:01 AM
I have downloaded 3 different torrents that all have the same exact file, but every torrent is stuck.
Those torrents are stuck with 23%, 60% and 96%. While the file is exactly the same 9GB file, each torrent
has different part-size 2MB, 8MB and 16MB.
Because its matroska video file, it doesnt need to be 100% complete to be watchable. I could write script that
builds the file, but how to get the information of what parts are complete on each of these files. Or is there
any other way to do this?
It would also be wonderful if there were plugin to Tixati that tries to find files (or matching parts from files)
from the whole computer. I have a hobby to collect ebooks etc information that share. I have 20TB library and have
couple of times completed stuck torrents (ebook collection torrents) by finding matching files manually.
And sometimes when I download updated collections of books, that have 95% of the same files that previous version,
I just copy manually those files and then I only have to download the 5%.
If this could be done automatically, or semi-automatically, it would help many heavy duty seeders, like me.
on 2017/12/13 10:34:39 PM
A script for combining those files would be very useful. I'm afraid it would be quite difficult to write. Not only those torrents are with different piece size, but due to other files inside torrents, the parts may be offset (pieces won't start at the same place). Most likely there is a clever trick to do this, but it's way beyond my abilities.
on 2017/12/15 11:43:12 PM
There is a not to be named torrent client that can do this, and it call it "swarm merging", it would be cool if Tixati could do this too.
on 2017/12/16 04:59:19 AM
PETE, those torrents that made me write this thread each have the large file at the beginning, at least alphabetically, so most likely those files could be combined with script. However its impossible without list of completed/missing parts.
Thank you for the "unnamed other software clue", while it doesnt offer the "search correct files and/or matching parts on other computer" its still usable in those cases when completing one torrent is super important.
However I wouldnt change Tixati to any other software (although I might use other client to other purposes) because Tixati clearly is the fastest uploading client. And sharing is my passion.
My only hope is that being the fastest uploading client would remain the most important factor in development of Tixati on the future as well. Uploading single seed is almost at its peak already, but better queues, more clever super-seeding etc. techniques that help the overall spreading of seeds, thats what I hope. Whatever speeds up the collective uploading/downloading speed of all swarms. Its also very interesting computational problem.
on 2018/01/09 02:34:00 PM
Probably couldn't be done programmatically since it involves guessing/trial and error.
But odds are with 23/60/96 percentages that you already have a full file is quite good.
Manual/guess method:
Firstly you should check visually on the pieces map if you have remaining 4% on 23%/60% torrents.
Then try rehashing one of these in 96% torrent, confirm that (some of) the missing pieces are there,
deselect all files, to avoid downloading and start the transfer.
This way you will share remaining 4% to the swarm,
if we guessed right someone in the swarm should get a complete file.
Next you rehash this torrent with your 96% file and complete it yourself.
This isn't perfect method, but it gets the job done.
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