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How do you get the original torrents to extend/expand/search for

by Guest on 2017/11/21 04:32:08 PM    
"by Pete on 2017/11/12 08:29:51 AM"
"It is a bad idea to add trackers to already distributed torrent(downloaded from web). Adding that many trackers is even worse.It won't help, only add unnecessary load to that trackers."

Ok, It has been my experience that adding the extra trackers gives access to peers/seeds not contained in the original set of trackers. It helps most of the time , but not always.

If this is not the correct way to do it, how do you get the original torrents to extend/expand/search for seeds/peers not in the original set?
by Guest on 2017/11/30 01:03:29 AM    
Eight days and no reply?
by Pete on 2017/11/30 06:48:15 PM    
What should I say, others had written on this many times, for example search for this article: Multi-Tracker Ignorance (Or Why You Don’t Need More Than One Tracker)

One working tracker plus DHT and PEX is enough.
by Guest on 2017/12/01 05:48:29 PM    
OP, whats your problem??? Theres is no reason to add more trackers to a healthy torrent. And if the torrent is dead, its dead, you gotta get greative to revive it. Nobody is forbidding you to add more trackers, so whats your deal really?

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