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Feature request: Preset filters on file select prompt

by bloc97 on 2017/10/20 04:02:43 AM    
Currently in Tixati you can "auto" filter out files that have a size under a percentage of the biggest file. But I think this can be expanded further to include the ability to create and store presets that can automatically filter off files with certain names or extensions.

Why is this useful? In large collection torrents, sometimes I want to filter out the instrumental tracks, or only keep .png images, when they include both .png and .jpg. Right now I would go through the 20 folders and 150 files and uncheck them manually, but it would be easier if I could create a preset that filters out files for example with the word "instrumental" or "off-vocal".

This is a feature that I would love to see in Tixati. No other P2P software does this, but I think this feature will make the user experience way better.

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