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Please implement the lt_donthave extension

by jch on 2017/09/18 05:30:22 AM    

The lt_donhave extension is very useful for implementations that keep a bounded amount of data:

If a peer discards a piece due to memory pressure, in the basic BitTorrent protocol it can either ignore requests for the missing piece (which might cause a peer to stall), or drop connections that request a missing piece.  (With the FAST extension, it can send a Reject message, but that is still far from optimal).

The lt_donthave extension allows a peer to advertise that it has dropped a piece.  It is very easy to implement (it's just the opposite of the HAVE message), and solves the issue quite nicely.

Pleae implement lt_donthave.
by Guest on 2017/09/23 03:52:55 PM    
Completely second this
by jch on 2018/02/02 11:48:57 PM    

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